Product details
CA3140EZ is a type of operational amplifier which is used to perform operation between circuits. An integrated circuit called an operational amplifier has the ability to amplify weak electric impulses. One output pin and two input pins make up an operational amplifier. The voltage difference between the two input pins is amplified and output by it as its primary function. Gate protected MOSFET (PMOS) transistors are used in the input circuit of the CA3140A and CA3140 Bipolar MOS operational amplifiers to provide extremely high input impedance, extremely low input current, and high speed performance. Supply voltage for the CA3140A and CA3140 ranges from 4V to 36V. (either single or dual supply). These operational amplifiers have access terminals for an additional external capacitor if more frequency roll-off is necessary, and they are intrinsically phase corrected to achieve stable performance in unity gain follower operation. Additionally, terminals are offered for use in applications that call for the nulling of input offset voltage. An important feature for single supply is the common mode input voltage capability down to 0.5V below the negative supply terminal, which is made possible by the use of PMOS field effect transistors in the input stage.
Very high input impedance 1.5T OHM
Very Low input Current 10pA
It has long duration timer
Its used for the function generator
- Ground-Referenced Single Supply Amplifiers in Automobile and Portable Instrumentation
Model | CA3140EZ |
Type | Operational amplifier |
Input current | 40pA |
Transient response | 0.08microsecond |
Gain bandwidth | 4.5 MHz |
Input capacitance | 4 pF |
Output resistance | 60Ohm |
Operating and Storage Temperature Range | -55°C TO 125°C |
Country of Origin | China |