Product details
Wires are the most important part of any electrical or electronic circuits as they enable the current to flow in the circuit by providing it suitable path with least resistance. You can control the flow of current on PCB by copper etchings but outside PCB the wires are the current carriers. AWG (American Wire Gauge) is used to define standards to the wire sizes and the maximum current that can flow through it. These wires are of 36 AWG i.e. 0.13 mm in diameter which can be used to power small loads like Motors or relay circuits. Each unit consist of 2 wires one blue color and other one of white colour each having length of one meter. These are multi strand wires which means they can support high current as well but they can’t be used in PCB headers. They are easy to solder and have Silicone coating to provide insulation against current to the user and against water and normal wear and tear.
- Silicone Insulation
- 36 AWG wire
- One Blue and One White Wire to facilitate color coding
- Length: 1 m each
Package Contents
1m× Blue 36 AWG wire
1m× White 36 AWG wire